Ideal Horizons
Official launch of the Idealist movement in France 13 Octobre 2017.
Followed by 2 days of collective work to draft a protocol of coalition & collaboration around the contemporary art centre MAGASIN des horizons - CNAC Grenoble.
20 persons was selected for their interest in “doing things differently” in the arts, social, environment, and research sectors.
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Mediators: Ralston Bau, idealist designers
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We hear it proclaimed far and wide that our civilization has reached a turning point, that this is only the beginning of profound changes to come, and that it is difficult for us, if not impossible, to imagine how these changes will impact our lives and our environment… The seminar “Around us” intends to raise such questions as: How to integrate artists better into (political, ethical, environmental…) decision-making? How to integrate artists better into their social environment? How to foster conditions for rapprochement and friction, for acculturation and patience? We need to fuse the different aspects of our imagination, metaphorically shake up our certitudes, engage in new approaches and ways of thinking, and … reinvent the world. Isn’t it time to give artists their due place, whether they are scholars, shamans, or citizens of the world? This question insists with particular urgency just as MAGASIN des Horizons is undergoing a renewal: Grenoble’s historical art center is in the process of reinventing its programming as well as its models of governance.